Postdoctoral Researcher at UC Santa Barbara, ECE Department
Email: rasekh [at] ucsb [dot] edu
Education background
- B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran (2007) -- focus on communications
- M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (2009) -- wave propagation and channel modeling for mmWave
- PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of California Santa Barbara (2020) -- enabling technologies for emerging mmWave and THz systems
My research is focussed on wireless communication and sensing systems, primarily in the millimeter wave and THz frequency bands. These frequencies play an instrumental role in the evolution of the wireless landscape, as they facilitate vigorous frequency reuse and high-resolution sensing through the availability of large bandwidths and massive MIMO frontends.
The frequency reuse required for meeting the growing demand of smart devices and data-hungry applications is achieved by migrating to a picocellular infrastructure with a dense deployment of street-level access points, placed opportunistically on existing urban structures such as lamp posts, traffic lights, and walls. The small wavelength allows packing hundreds of antennas in small form factors to produce massive steerable arrays that form narrow pencil beams, limiting inter-cell and intra-cell interference while also providing a highly scalable solution for the backhaul problem that arises from rapid expansion. If realized, the picocellular infrastructure can also be leveraged for localization, environmental awareness, edge computing, and many other applications that emerge in this landscape.
Developing these emerging systems requires a broad understanding of hardware limitations, cost trade-offs, and channel characteristics to complement the signal processing and network optimization perspective. In collaboration with both hardware experts and signal processing and optimization researchers, I have tackled a wide variety of problems related to mm-wave communication and sensing, including backhaul network optimization, low-overhead user tracking, phase noise modeling, and scalable MIMO processing. Combined with my previous background on electromagnetics and wave propagation, this experience allows me to adopt the comprehensive approach necessary for developing future systems and realizing the many potentials of mm-wave and THz technology in mobile communication, localization, sensor networks, and IoT applications.
Going forward, my goal is to provide low-cost, scalable solutions for realizing the immense potential for communication throughput and sensing resolution via high bandwidth massive MIMO deployments. This involves tackling a wide range of problems from networking to signal processing and frontend design. Our experience shows that, while manufacturing wireless frontends is typically more challenging at mmWave and terahertz frequencies, a massive MIMO architecture allows relaxing many of the per-antenna (and per-RF chain) requirements, and there is much to be gained from joint hardware and system design. I therefore hope to pursue innovative architectures for MIMO communication and sensing and cross-layer design tools, complemented by scalable signal processing techniques that are robust to frontend impairments.
Phase noise analysis for multi-user massive MIMO
Noncoherent compressive channel estimation
Millimeter-wave backhaul for urban picocells
Frequency tracking from periodic phase measurements
Wideband distributed beamforming
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Bhagyashree Puranik, Upamanyu Madhow, Mark Rodwell, "In-the-field calibration of all-digital MIMO arrays," under review.
Lalitha Giridhar, Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Ahmet Dundar Sezer, Upamanyu Madhow, "Adaptive Space-Time Equalization with Spatial Oversampling for Misaligned LoS MIMO," under review.
Maryam Eslami Raskeh, Upamanyu Madhow, "Scaling Massive MIMO Radar via Compressive Signal Processing," to appear: Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2021.
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Navid Hosseinzadeh, Upamanyu Madhow, Mark Rodwell, "An on-off receiver array for low-power scaling of mmWave massive MIMO," to appear: 2021 International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), 19–21 October 2021, Coimbra, Portuga
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Mohammed Abdelghany, Upamanyu Madhow, Mark Rodwell, "Phase noise in modular architectures for millimeter wave massive MIMO," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 6522-6535, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TWC.2021.3074911.
Mohammed Abdelghany, Ali Farid, Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Upamanyu Madhow and Mark Rodwell, "A Design Framework for All-Digital mmWave Massive MIMO With per-Antenna Nonlinearities," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 5689-5701, Sept. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TWC.2021.3069378.
Mohammed Faruk Gencel, Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Upamanyu Madhow, "Distributed base station: A concept system for long-range broadband wireless access," Electronics, vol. 10, no. 19: 2396, 2021
Mohammed Abdelghany, Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Upamanyu Madhow, "Scalable Nonlinear Multiuser Detection for mmWave Massive MIMO," International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), IEEE, 2020
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Dongning Guo, Upamanyu Madhow, "Joint routing and resource allocation for millimeter wave picocellular backhaul," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 783-794, Feb. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TWC.2019.2948624.
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Mohammed Abdelghany, Upamanyu Madhow, Mark Rodwell, "Phase noise analysis for mmwave massive MIMO: A design framework for scaling via tiled architectures," Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), IEEE, 2019.
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Upamanyu Madhow, "Noncoherent compressive channel estimation for mm-wave massive MIMO," Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, IEEE, 2018.
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Zhinus Marzi, Yanzi Zhu, Upamanyu Madhow, Heather Zheng, "Noncoherent mmWave path tracking," Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile '17). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 13–18, 2017, DOI: 10.1145/3032970.3032974
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Dongning Guo, Upamanyu Madhow, "Interference-aware routing and spectrum allocation for millimeter wave backhaul in urban picocells," Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, IEEE, 2015.
Mohammed Faruk Gencel, Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Upamanyu Madhow, "Noise-resilient scaling for wideband distributed beamforming," Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, IEEE, 2015.
Mohammed Faruk Gencel, Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Upamanyu Madhow, "Distributed transmit beamforming with one bit feedback revisited: How noise limits scaling," International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), IEEE, 2015.
Mohammed Faruk Gencel, Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Upamanyu Madhow, "Scaling wideband distributed transmit beamforming via aggregate feedback," International Conference on Communications (ICC), IEEE, 2015.
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Raghuraman Mudumbai, Upamanyu Madhow, "Frequency tracking with intermittent wrapped phase measurement using the Rao-Blackwellized particle filter," Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, IEEE, 2014.
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Forouhar Farzaneh, "Interference analysis in an urban mesh network operating in the 60-GHz band," ETRI Journal, 35: 775-785., 2013.
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Forouhar Farzaneh, "Interference control using polarization in directive 60 GHz mesh networks," Conference on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Technologies (MMWaTT), IEEE, 2012.
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Forouhar Farzaneh, Amir Ahmad Shishegar, "A street canyon approximation model for the 60 GHz propagation channel in an urban environment with rough surfaces," International Symposium on Telecommunications, IEEE, 2010.
Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Amir Ahmad Shishegar, Forouhar Farzaneh, "A study of the effect of diffraction and rough surface scattering modeling on ray tracing results in an urban environment at 60 GHz," Conference on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Technologies (MMWaTT), IEEE, 2009.
March 2020: Invited talk at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, EECS Dept., "Beyond 5G: Enabling the Next Generation of Wireless Communication and Sensing via Millimeter Wave and Massive MIMO Technology"
Febuary 2020: Invited talk at University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, ECE department, "Beyond 5G: Enabling the Next Generation of Wireless Communication and Sensing via Millimeter Wave and Massive MIMO Technology"
November 2019: Our paper, "Noncoherent compressive channel estimation for mm-wave massive MIMO," is a finalist for the Best Student Paper award at Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers
December 2018: Received Outstanding ECE TA award for Digital Communication Fundamentals course (ECE 146A) at UCSB
November 2017: Selected for Rising Stars in EECS, an academic career workshop for women, Stanford University
2008 - 2012: Awarded Iran Telecommunications Research Center Graduate Research Fellowship
2007: Honorary acceptance to the M.S. program at Isfahan University of Technology